Established in 2010, the HQCA’s Patient and Family Advisory Committee (PFAC) identifies, studies, reviews, advocates and advises the HQCA on patient safety, person-centred care, and quality issues from a citizen, patient, and family perspective. The PFAC started as a strategic initiative through the provincial Patient Safety Framework for Albertans and works to promote patient safety principles, concepts, and actions in all aspects of Alberta’s publicly-funded healthcare system.
- About Us
- For Patients and Families
- Reports Library
- Improvement Stories
- Resources for Improvement
- Overview
- The Alberta Quality Matrix for Health
- Just Culture
- Primary Healthcare Panel Reports
- Surveying Primary Care Clinics About Patient Safety Culture
- Improvement Guide for Using Survey Results
- Frameworks
- Medication Safety
- Human Factors
- Systematic Systems Analysis (SSA): Patient Safety Review Guidebook
- Surveying Patients About Primary Care Experience
- Healthcare Organizations
- Disclosure of Harm
- Working With Your Patients
- FOCUS on Healthcare Data