Introducing FOCUS on Healthcare


The FOCUS on Healthcare initiative is a new dynamic online reporting tool developed by the Health Quality Council of Alberta (HQCA). Displayed via a website, the tool will allow users to navigate data through user-friendly, interactive charts. Content on the site will be specific to Alberta and include patient experience data, economic data (cost-effectiveness), and health outcome data across a variety of sectors of healthcare.

The FOCUS on Healthcare website is a new and unique way for the HQCA to deliver on its mandate to monitor and report on health service quality and patient safety for Albertans. This work has already started with FOCUS on Emergency Departments, published in January 2017.


On May 25, the HQCA updated its FOCUS on Emergency Departments (ED) website with new data. The time period for the new data is the fourth quarter of the 2016-17 fiscal year (January, February, March). To ensure timely information, we will continue to update the data each quarter.

Visit FOCUS on ED to see the most recent data:


The HQCA is currently working on primary healthcare as its next sector for the FOCUS on Healthcare initiative.

This spring the HQCA kicked off the project by getting input from patients about their perspectives on primary healthcare. The valuable insights from this full-day patient consultation session provided a starting point for the FOCUS on Primary Healthcare stakeholder advisory committee. Another sub-set of primary healthcare stakeholders are currently participating in this project via a measurement working group, and they will report their recommendations for measures up to the stakeholder advisory committee for discussion.

By December the HQCA will have used the input from patients and stakeholders to finalize its decision on the primary healthcare data it will include on the website, and can begin development of the interactive charts.

Stay tuned for more updates, or contact the HQCA for more information at 1-855-508-8162 or