Why should your clinic conduct a patient experience survey?

We asked this question to Dr. Maria J. Santana, a health services researcher, Associate Professor in the departments of Pediatrics and Community Health Sciences at the Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary. She is the provincial director, Patient Engagement for the Alberta Strategy for Patient-oriented Research.

Here’s what she had to say:

“To provide personalized care, patients should receive care that is important to them – that addresses their values, needs and preferences. This patient-centred care model needs to be measured; as what we don’t measure, we can’t change. To do so, healthcare systems need valid and reliable measures to understand what matters to patients, this includes patient experience measures.”

“The HQCA’s Primary Care Patient Experience Survey is a valid, evidence-based, and patient-informed measurement tool. The implementation of HQCA’s survey in primary care will benefit not only quality improvement activities but will also allow care providers to be able to respond to what matters most to patients.”

“It’s important to highlight the support that the HQCA provides in administering this survey in primary care across Alberta, minimizing the time and resources primary care clinics needs to do this critical work.”

For more information about the Primary Care Patient Experience Survey and details on how to get started at your clinic…
Visit Surveying Patients About Primary Care Experience or email surveys@hqca.ca.