當與您的醫療團隊 (如醫生、護士、心理學家、物理治療師、藥劑師等成員)會面時,不妨考慮以下建議。
- 將您的症狀及問題寫下,並記錄起來帶去應診。問題包括化驗結果或跟藥物有關的。若有較多疑問,您可定下優先次序去發問,或安排另一個約期去討論。建議:預先致電診所,通知他們您可能需要較長的診症時間,或要求額外的覆診期。
- 列出您所有的藥物和劑量 — 如果您不確定,可以向藥劑師或在應診時索取一份藥物清單。並要求列出會對您引起藥物過敏或產生不良反應的藥物名稱。
- 在家人或朋友的陪同下應診。
- 透過您的症狀及問題清單,告訢醫療團隊您希望討論的事情,及您就診的原因。並說出您最擔心的健康議題。
- 自信地提出發問 — 就您的疑慮、藥物或治療方案,要求有更多資訊或相關的資源。這包括提出要求轉介到其他醫療服務提供者。
- 確保您能清楚瞭解各種治療方案的利弊。
- 如果您不同意所提出的治療方案,或未能作出決定,您可表示拒絕或要求用更多的時間來考慮。
- 在您離開診所之前,記下所有囑咐您的指示及須要跟進的事項。在醫療團隊的同意下,您還可以將對話內容錄音。
- 如果您會轉介到另一醫療服務提供者,務必確認誰會與您聯絡,何時和怎樣收到他們的通知,以及聯絡他們的方法。
- 儘快安排預約化驗或其他醫療服務,並與您的醫療團隊確認何時會收到檢驗結果。若您願意,您或您所信任的人可以在網上查看您的健康記錄。要獲得更多資訊,可瀏覽MyHealthRecords (alberta.ca)。
- 如果您有任何疑慮,症狀出現惡化,藥物問題,或想進一步瞭解其他事情,請致電診所諮詢。
- 謹記要求家庭醫生替您安排年度身體檢查。
註備:若果出現藥物副作用或不良反應,應立刻尋求幫助。如果您出現呼吸困難或其他危及生命的症狀,請即致電 9-1-1求助。
- 您可以向藥劑師查詢有關處方或非處方藥物的問題,包括適當的劑量及可能出現的副作用。
- 藥劑師還可以向您講解非專利(通用)藥物和專利(牌子)藥物之間的差異及每種藥物的費用。
- 詢問在服藥期間應避免哪些活動、食物、處方或非處方藥物、草藥補充劑、維他命丸或飲食。
- 您的藥房有可能提供免費藥物送遞服務,要緊記查詢。
- 有關更多提示,可瀏覽:HQCA Tips for Managing Your Medications
尋找懂得說廣東話的家庭醫生或以廣東話提供服務的免預約診所。可瀏覽 https://albertafindadoctor.ca,或邀請家人或朋友協助您到訪此網站。
您亦可致電8-1-1 Health Link,查詢以廣東話提供服務的醫生或免預約診所的資料。
健康建議與資訊:若您希望以廣東話向護士諮詢有關健康的建議或資訊,您可於任何時間致電 8-1-1聯絡Health Link。待電話接通後,說出:”CANTONESE”,他們便會安排廣東話傳譯服務。
以廣東話接受心理健康的支援:您可以透過傳譯以廣東話來使用亞伯達省衛生服務局的心理健康求助熱線 (Alberta Health Services Mental Health Help Line)。該熱線為有心理健康問題的亞伯達省居民,提供24小時的保密資訊、支援與轉介服務。可致電 1-877-303-2642 (免費)。
傳譯和語言卡:您可以在亞伯達省衛生服務局AHS的設施內(醫院及社區健康中心),要求傳譯服務。您亦可以請求別人協助於紙卡以英文寫下:”I speak Cantonese, please arrange an interpreter for me.”(我說廣東話,請給我安排傳譯員)。隨身㩗帶此卡,並在需要時向醫療服務提供者出示。要瞭解更多資訊,可瀏覽:Get Health System Information in Your Language | Alberta Health Services。
清楚您的選項,能有助您在需要時獲得適切的醫療服務。您和您的家人可以在以下網址詳細了解各項醫療服務選項:Know Your Options | Alberta Health Services。如果遇上緊急的醫療情況並需要前往急診室的話,可到此查看急診室的預計輪侯時間:繁體中文/廣東話 - 獲取提供您母語服務的醫療衛生資訊系統(albertahealthservices.ca)
如果您對自己的醫療保健服務有任何疑問,您可以讓醫療服務提供者或機構知悉。這有助改善醫療保健服務給您及其他人。如果您不清楚可以向誰提出,請聯絡Alberta Health Advocate 來討論您的情況:Office of Alberta Health Advocates | Alberta.ca
Health Quality Council of Alberta (HQCA) 是一個省級機構,旨在把病患者、家人及來自醫療保健和學術界的合作夥伴凝聚在一起,去促進改善病人安全、以人為本的照護,並提升健康服務質素。
HQCA 重視包容,並明白亞伯達省社區對資訊的獨特需求。以及透過亞伯達省省民的首選語言,來提供資源的重要性。
本網頁的資訊是針對亞伯達省華人社區而撰寫。內容是依據名為Working With Your Healthcare Team 的公眾資訊活動所搜集得到的。
如果您對此資訊有任何問題,請聯絡 info@hqca.ca。
亞省醫療服務提供者,如欲索取中文翻譯的印刷單張,以供病患者索取的話,請聯絡 info@hqca.ca。
Health information available in Mandarin or Cantonese:
- Find a doctor who speaks Mandarin or Cantonese or a walk-in clinic where Mandarin or Cantonese is spoken
- Alberta Health Services Health Link: Call 8-1-1 (ask for a Mandarin or Cantonese interpreter)
- Alberta Health Services Mental Health Help Line: Call toll-free 1-877-303-2642 (ask for a Mandarin or Cantonese interpreter)
- Alberta Health Services health system information in Mandarin or Cantonese
Health information:
- Health information and tools
- Healthcare available in rural communities
- MyHealthRecords
- AHS Patient Relations Department
Seniors health resources:
- 持续纪录您的症状,写下任何问题,并将症状纪录及问题带去看诊。这也包含与化验结果或药物相关的问题。若您有较多疑问,可先定下问题的讨论顺序,或再预约其他时段去跟进。建议:预先打电话给诊所,告知您可能需要较长的看诊时间,或要求预约额外的看诊次数。
- 列出您所有的药物和剂量 - 如果您不确定,可以向药剂师或是在应诊时索取一份药物清单,并请他们列出会引起药物过敏或产生不良反应的药物名称。
- 在家人或朋友的陪同下应诊。
- 用您的症状纪录和事先列下的问题清单来告诉医疗团队您希望讨论的事情以及您應診的目的。说明一下您最担心的是哪方面的问題。
- 有自信地提问 – 您可以就您的疑虑、药物或治疗方案,要求更多的资讯或相关资源。这也包括提出转诊到其他医疗服务提供者的要求。
- 确认您了解各种治疗方案及其利弊。
- 如果您不同意医生提出的治疗方案,或未能即时作出决定,您可表示拒绝,或要求有更多时间来考虑。
- 离开诊所前,记下所有嘱咐您的医疗指示并且确认有哪些后续步骤。您还可以在医疗团队的同意下,将您们的对话录音。
- 如果您会转诊到其他医疗服务提供者,确认谁会与您联络、大概在何时以什么方式收到他们的通知,及联络他们的方法。
- 尽快安排预约化验或其他医疗服务,并确认您的医疗团队会于何时收到检查结果。如果你愿意,您或与您所信任的人可以上网查看您的健康记录。更多资讯,请浏览:MyHealthRecords (alberta.ca)。
- 如果您有任何疑虑,症状出现恶化,药物方面等问题,或想进一步了解其他事情,可再打电话向诊所询问。
- 可向您的家庭医生要求安排年度身体检查。
注意:如果您认为在服药物期间出现副作用或不良反应,应立即寻求帮助。如果出现呼吸困难或其他危及生命的症状,请立刻拨打 9-1-1求助。
- 您可以向药剂师咨询有关处方药物或非处方药物的问题,包含合适的剂量与可能出现的副作用
- 药剂师还可以助您了解非专利(通用)药物和专利(品牌)药物之间的差异以及每种药物的费用。
- 询问您在服药期间应避免哪些活动、食物、处方/非处方药、草药、维生素和/或饮食。
- 您的药房可能有提供免费药物递送服务,务必记得询问。
- 更多建议,可浏览:HQCA Tips for Managing Your Medications。
寻找说普通话的家庭医生或以普通话提供服务的免预约诊所。可浏览 https://albertafindadoctor.ca/,或请家人或朋友协助您到访此网站。
您也可以拨打8-1-1 Health Link查询能提供普通话服务的医生或免预约诊所的资讯。
健康建议与资讯:若您希望以普通话向护士咨询有关健康的建议或资讯,您可以于任何时间拨打 8-1-1 Health Link。接通后,说出:“MANDARIN”,他们便会安排普通话传译服务。
以普通话接受心理健康的支持:您可以透过传译以普通话来使用亚省卫生服务局的心理健康求助热线 (Alberta Health Services Mental Health Help Line)。该热线为有心理健康疑问的阿尔伯塔省居民提供24小时的保密资讯、支持与转介服务。可拨打 1-877-303-2642(免付费专线)。
传译和语言卡:在亚省卫生服务局AHS的相关单位内(医院及社区健康中心),您可以告知医疗团队您需要传译服务。您可以请人协助在一张卡上以英语写下:「I speak Mandarin, please arrange an interpreter for me/ 我说普通话,请为我安排一名传译」随身携带此卡,在需要时向医疗服务提供者出示。想了解更多资讯,可浏览:Get Health System Information in Your Language | Alberta Health Services。
清楚您的选项,能有助您在需要时获得适切的医疗服务。您和您的家人可以到以下网站了解更多有关医疗服务选项的资讯:Know Your Options | Alberta Health Services。如果遇上紧急的医疗情况并需要前往急诊室,可以在此处查看急诊室的等侯时间:简体中文/普通话 - 获取提供您母语服务的医疗卫生资讯系统(albertahealthservices.ca)
如果您对自己的医疗保健服务有任何疑虑,您可以告知医疗服务提供者或机构。这有助改善您和其他人的医疗保健服务。如果您不清楚可向谁提出疑虑,可联络Alberta Health Advocate 来讨论您的情况:Office of Alberta Health Advocates | Alberta.ca
Health Quality Council of Alberta (HQCA) 是一个省级机构,旨在将病患、家庭以及来自医疗保健领域和学术界的合作伙伴聚集在一起,以促进改善病患安全、以人为本的照护,并提升健康服务品质。
HQCA 重视包容性,同时深刻明白到阿尔伯塔省民众独特的资讯需求,以及以阿尔伯塔省居民的首选语言向其提供资源的重要性。
Working With Your Healthcare Team。
为了解和反映阿尔伯塔省华人社区的需求 并能准确地传递资讯,我们与华人社区成员、医疗保健服务提供者和翻译人员合作。感谢他们在编写本手册的过程中提供支持。
如果您对此资讯有任何疑问,请联系 info@hqca.ca。如果您对阿尔伯塔省的医疗保健服务有疑问或感到满意,可点此链接参考相关资源。
欲索取翻译文宣提供患者的阿尔伯塔省医疗服务提供者,请联系 info@hqca.ca。
Health information available in Mandarin/Cantonese:
- Find a doctor who speaks Mandarin/Cantonese or a walk-in clinic where Mandarin/Cantonese is spoken
- Alberta Health Services Health Link: Call 8-1-1 (ask for a Mandarin/Cantonese interpreter)
- Alberta Health Services Mental Health Help Line: Call toll-free 1-877-303-2642 (ask for a Mandarin/Cantonese interpreter)
- Alberta Health Services health system information in Mandarin/Cantonese
Health information:
Seniors health resources:
- Centre for Newcomers: Seniors services
- Elder abuse – Get help
- Seniors Health Benefits – Government of Alberta
Be an active part of your healthcare team
Have you or your family members ever felt confused or overwhelmed after a healthcare appointment? Or, have you ever felt that you did not get the information you needed?
Here are some tips that can help you.
You are the most important part of your healthcare team
You and your family members are the best advocates for your healthcare. By taking an active role, you can help ensure you are supported and more in control of your healthcare.
Make the most of your visit with your healthcare team
Here are a few tips to keep in mind when you visit your healthcare team, including doctors, nurses, psychologists, physiotherapists, pharmacists, and more.
Before your visit
- Write down your questions, symptoms, and concerns and bring them with you to your appointment. This may include questions about your lab results or medications. If your list is long, you may need to prioritize what you want to discuss or book another appointment.
- Tip: Call your clinic in advance and let them know if you may need some extra time or additional appointments.
- List all your medications and dosage – if you are not sure, you can ask your pharmacist for a list or ask for a copy of your medications during your healthcare appointment. You may also want to include your allergies and adverse reactions to medications.
- Ask a family member or friend to go with you.
During your visit
- Use your list of questions, symptoms, and concerns to tell your healthcare team what you want to discuss and what you want to get from the appointment. Explain what concerns you most.
- Be confident about asking your questions – you can ask for more information or resources about your concerns, medications, and/or treatment options. This may include requesting a referral to another healthcare provider.
- Make sure you understand the treatment options as well as the advantages and disadvantages.
- If you disagree with the proposed treatment plan or if you are unsure, it is ok to say no or ask for more time to think about it.
- Write down any instructions given and find out what the next steps are before you leave. You can also record your conversation with the permission of your healthcare team.
- If you are referred to another healthcare provider, confirm who will contact you, when and how you can expect to hear from them, or how can you contact them.
After your appointment
- Book appointments at the lab or other offices as soon as possible and confirm when the results will be sent to your healthcare team. If you like, you or someone you trust can access your health records online. For more information visit: MyHealthRecords (alberta.ca)
- Call back if you have any concerns, your symptoms get worse, you have problems with your medicine, or you want to understand anything else.
- Ask your healthcare provider about scheduling a yearly appointment (annual check-up).
Note: Get help right away if you think you are experiencing side effects or adverse reactions to your medications. Call 9-1-1 if you are having difficulty breathing or have other life-threatening symptoms.
Let your healthcare team know if you do not understand something.
Be open and honest. You could say, “This is new to me. Would you mind explaining it slowly, using language that is easier to understand?” or “Can you show me a picture or model to help me understand?”
Medical terms can be technical and hard to understand. Ask for explanations and examples to ensure you fully understand them.
Pharmacy staff are on your healthcare team
- Ask your pharmacist any questions you have about your prescription or non-prescription medications including proper dosage and possible side effects.
- Pharmacists can also help you understand the differences between no-name and name-brand medications and the costs of each.
- Ask which activities, foods, prescription/nonprescription medications, herbal remedies, vitamins, and/or diets to avoid with your medications.
- Your pharmacy may offer free delivery of medications. Be sure to ask.
- For more tips, check out HQCA Tips for Managing Your Medications
Receive healthcare in Mandarin or Cantonese
Find a family doctor who speaks Mandarin or Cantonese or a walk-in clinic where Mandarin or Cantonese is spoken: Visit https://albertafindadoctor.ca/ or ask a family member or friend to assist you in using this website.
You can also find a doctor who speaks Mandarin or Cantonese or walk-in clinic where Mandarin or Cantonese is spoken by calling Health Link at 8-1-1.
Health advice and information: To speak with a nurse for health advice or information in Mandarin or Cantonese , call Health Link at 8-1-1. Once connected, say Cantonese or Mandarin, and they will arrange the interpretation accordingly.
Interpretation and language card: In Alberta Health Services facilities (hospitals and community health centres), you can request interpretation. You can ask someone to write on a card in English: “I speak Mandarin or Cantonese, please arrange an interpreter for me”. Keep this card with you and show it to healthcare providers when needed. Learn more at Get Health System Information in Your Language | Alberta Health Services.
You can receive mental health support in Mandarin or Cantonese : Translators are available through the Alberta Health Services Mental Health Help Line which provides 24-hour confidential information, support, and referrals to Albertans experiencing mental health concerns. Call 1-877-303-2642 (toll free).
Care options
Know your options so you can get the care you need when you need it. You and your family can learn more about your care options by visiting: Know Your Options | Alberta Health Services. If you have a health emergency and need to visit an Emergency Department, you can find wait times here: 繁體中文/廣東話 – 獲取提供您母語服務的醫療衛生資訊系統 (albertahealthservices.ca) 简体中文/普通话 – 获取 提供 您母语 服务的医疗 服务的医疗 服务的医疗 卫生 信息 系统 (albertahealthservices.ca)
Concerns about your healthcare?
If you have a concern about your healthcare experience, you can let your provider or the healthcare organization know. This can help improve care for you and for others. If you don’t know who to talk to, contact the Alberta Health Advocate to discuss your options: Office of Alberta Health Advocates | Alberta.ca
For more tips, including a symptom tracker and questions to ask about lifestyle changes, visit: www.hqca.ca/info
Watch other videos here.
Other information
About HQCA
The Health Quality Council of Alberta (HQCA) is a provincial agency that brings together patients, families, and our partners from across healthcare and academia to inspire improvement in patient safety, person-centred care, and health service quality.
The Health Quality Council of Alberta (HQCA) values inclusivity and recognizes the unique information needs of communities in Alberta as well as the importance of providing resources to Albertans in their preferred language.
The information on this page is adapted for Chinese communities in Alberta, and is based on our broader public information campaign called Working With Your Healthcare Team.
To understand and reflect the needs of the Chinese community in Alberta and accurately communicate the information, we engaged with members of the community, healthcare providers, and translators. Thank you to the community for their support in this developing this information.
Questions or comments
If you have any questions about this information, please contact info@hqca.ca.
If you have a concern or compliment for healthcare services in Alberta, there are several resources available.
Healthcare providers
If you are a healthcare provider in Alberta and would like to order print copies of the translated handouts to share with patients, please contact info@hqca.ca.
Other resources
See more tips for taking an active role in your healthcare (in English) here.
Watch the videos here.
Health information available in Mandarin or Cantonese:
- Find a doctor who speaks Mandarin or Cantonese or a walk-in clinic where Mandarin or Cantonese is spoken
- Alberta Health Services Health Link: Call 8-1-1 (ask for a Mandarin or Cantonese interpreter)
- Alberta Health Services Mental Health Help Line: Call toll-free 1-877-303-2642 (ask for a Mandarin or Cantonese interpreter)
- Alberta Health Services health system information in Mandarin or Cantonese
Health information:
- Health information and tools
- Healthcare available in rural communities
- MyHealthRecords
- AHS Patient Relations Department
Seniors health resources:
- Centre for Newcomers: Seniors services
- Elder abuse – Get help
- Seniors Health Benefits – Government of Alberta