Exceeding Provincial Averages in Colorectal Cancer Screening

This Quality Exchange focuses on primary healthcare and the improvements that are being made with regards to colorectal cancer screening rates.

Data available on the HQCA’s FOCUS on Healthcare website showed that some Primary Care Networks (PCN) are either doing extremely well or have made significant improvements in colorectal cancer screening rates.

We interviewed Bighorn PCN and Calgary Foothills PCN as they are both leading the way for colorectal cancer (CRC) screening in Alberta. We also interviewed the Evanston Medical Clinic, part of the Mosaic PCN, as it showed significant improvements in its CRC screening rates.

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Exceeding Provincial Averages in Colorectal Cancer Screening (2020)

Read about colorectal cancer screening in Alberta, what a few frontrunners are doing to exceed provincial rates, and how YOU can be inspired to make a change.

Exceeding Provincial Averages in Colorectal Cancer Screening – Infographic (2020)

Only have a few minutes? Scan our one-page infographic.