In collaboration with Alberta Health (AH) and Alberta Health Services (AHS), we conducted surveys of residents and family members between July 2022 to March 2023 in facility-based continuing care across Alberta. The information collected and analyzed gives voice to residents living in these facilities and their families, and is shared with each site, Alberta Health, operators, and leaders in continuing care to help inform improvements. Ultimately, these results are intended to guide reflection and assist in identifying quality improvement opportunities.
Facility-based continuing care operators received site-specific survey results in the summer of 2023, which provided detailed information about their site that can be used for ongoing monitoring and quality improvement.
FOCUS on Healthcare
In addition to these reports, we have updated measures for supportive living and long term care on our FOCUS on Healthcare website. This tool allows further interaction with the data. Visit FOCUS.
Alberta Continuing Care Act language effective April 1, 2024. Historical references to home care and facility-based continuing care (including home care, designated supportive living, and long term care) may not reflect the updated language or terms found in the new Alberta Continuing Care Act. Refer to the Alberta Health Services Continuing Care Glossary for definitions.