Healthcare Facility Mock-up Evaluation Framework & Guidelines

There is a growing trend to conduct simulation-based mock-up evaluations as part of the process to design healthcare facilities. These resources provide information and guidelines to help plan and conduct these evaluations.

Healthcare facility mock-up evaluations involve creating a full-scale mock-up of a planned space and having end users enact realistic processes and procedures within the mock-up. These evaluations proactively identify opportunities to enhance quality and patient safety, staff efficiency, and can avoid future hospital design renovation costs.

Thoughts expanding out of a human mind | Healthcare facility mock-up evaluation framework and guidelines

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Healthcare Facility Mock-up Evaluation Guidelines – Using Simulation to Optimize Return on Investment for Quality and Patient Safety (2020)

These guidelines make recommendations to optimize ROI when evaluating healthcare facility designs for quality and patient safety. Specifically, they provide guidance on how to choose between simple, detailed, and virtual reality (VR) mock-ups for a simulation-based mock-up evaluation.

Simulation-based Mock-up Evaluation Framework (2016)

This framework outlines an approach to collect and analyze data from full scale mock-ups, through the use of simulation, where individuals enact processes and procedures that will be performed in the space. Data from the simulation-based mock-up evaluations are intended to guide design decisions in efforts to optimize the built environment for safe and efficient patient-centred care.

Listing of evaluation tasks (Framework Appendix 1)

Simulation scenario template (Framework Appendix 2)

Sample pre-briefing script and instructions (Framework Appendix 3)

Photography suggestions (Framework Appendix 4)

Videography suggestions (Framework Appendix 5)

Data analysis spreadsheet template (Framework Appendix 6)

Recommendations template (Framework Appendix 7)