Using Your Report
Understanding how to use your report ensures you are able to dig deeper into the results, the measures of interest, and can reflect on what the measures mean to your practice. Check out our many resources.
Additional resources
Data Dictionary
The Data Dictionary provides information on the description, rationale, interpretation, calculations, data sources, limitations and alignments of all the metrics in the HQCA’s Provincial Primary Healthcare Panel Report. This information is intended to help improve the understanding and interpretation of the metrics and their presentation in the report.
Proxy Algorithm
The HQCA proxy panel is an estimate of a physician’s active panel based on the pattern of family physician billing claims over a three-year period. The algorithm predicts which family physician, from all those seen by a patient over the three-year time period, is most likely to be the patient’s main family physician. If there is a tie between two or more family physicians at any step, assignment moves to the next step.The proxy panel will be most accurate for physicians who had a stable practice during the data period and who saw few patients of other family physicians (e.g., in an after-hours or walk-in clinic)
Panel reports in action: A case study
This Alberta Doctors’ Digest article details how one Calgary family physician uses the HQCA Primary Healthcare Panel Reports to improve cancer screening rates.
Recipe for success: your guide for discussing panel reports with physicians
How do you talk to physicians about the panel reports? This is a 'recipe' to help guide you through the conversation.
Understanding continuity data learning module
This module is all about relational continuity, as the Primary Healthcare Panel Reports contain measures that address relational continuity.