Patient safety culture surveys can raise staff awareness about patient safety. They can also evaluate patient safety culture in areas such as:
- communication openness
- communication about errors
- office standardization
- teamwork
- overall perceptions of patient safety and quality.

The survey is designed for all staff, such as primary care physicians, nurses, clerical staff, and other clinic team members. It asks for their opinions about the culture of patient safety and healthcare quality in their clinic. The survey takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.
The Health Quality Council of Alberta is looking to partner with primary care clinics interested in participating in a patient safety culture survey.
Interested in conducting a survey at your clinic?
Why participate?
- Clinic-specific report: A clinic-specific report will be provided with results to evaluate and enhance patient safety culture.
- Resources: A resource list will be provided that can be used to identify practical resources applicable to guide improvement efforts tailored to the survey results for your clinic.
- PPIP. This survey provides reliable and objective data that can be used to support the Physician Practice Improvement Program (PPIP) of the College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta. View this Fact Sheet to learn how.
- It’s easy. The HQCA does all the data collection, analysis, and report preparation for free. We make it as easy as possible for your clinic to participate.